In a world infested with evil beasts called savarians, a girl is on a journey to hunt these dangerous beings. One day she runs into a dog possessed by the soul of a young man. This meeting triggers a further long adventure awaiting only to reveal what is behind the mystery involving the world fate.
Possess looming enemies and summon spirits to support you in turn-based battles with outstanding animations! Take on missions in the Guild to raise your rank, and upgrade weapons to become more powerful. More enjoyment awaits you in this fateful RPG!
- A deep tale of adventure centered around Black Spirit Stones.
- Possess enemies and make use of them!
- Go on an adventure to meet allies!
- Summon spirits with special rings!
- Raise ranks by completing missions!
- Strengthen skills with the skill tree!
- Create powerful weapons!
- Gain items by completing the enemy catalog!
- Snappy battles with auto battles!