Memories linger across time, deep beneath the island’s surface...
In this story-driven 3D platformer, explore Sephonie Island's massive cave network, and link with unidentified species using the novel Puzzle Grid system. Explore the island's depths as shipwrecked biologists Amy, Ing-wen, and Riyou, whose personal histories come to bear on the shifting spiritual landscape of the island depths.
Parkour-esque platforming
Use an acrobatic moveset to navigate lush, jade canopies and rusty sandstone spires. Fling yourself over high ledges using the satisfying Teledash Vault and deftly Wallrun across dangerous outcroppings.
The Relaxing and Casual Puzzle Grid System
The trio must research the island's unknown creatures by Linking with them. Using the one-of-a-kind "Puzzle Grid" system, you'll rotate and place a series of multi-colored pieces onto the board to create large, same-colored islands. Each creature has different challenges to overcome!
A Research Trip Gone Awry
In the near future, three biologists are on a joint mission to use their state-of-the-art ONYX implants to research the creatures of the uninhabited Sephonie Island. But as they approach the island, a sudden storm leaves them shipwrecked.
- A human experience crafted entirely by the IGF Grand Prize-nominated duo of Marina Kittaka and Melos Han-Tani, behind works such as Anodyne 1 & 2, Even the Ocean, and All Our Asias.
- Master a parkour-esque moveset to sprint, wallrun, jump, and fling yourself through Sephonie Island’s rocky and physical caverns!
- A screenshot mode that lets you pose the characters and creatures you meet in the game, and then take fun photos!
- A beautiful and varied cave system filled with all manner of large and surprising creatures, visually brought to life by Marina Kittaka.
- The postgame “Bubble Adventure” and fiendish hidden items provide a fun challenge for advanced spelunkers.